That time of year has arrived: the mail box starts to fill up with exciting offers for worldwide travel deals and the scent of summer has settled at the tip of the nose. At this point, when every free moment is spent daydreaming, it’s already the time to start packing for the perfect summer vacation and get ready for laying back, palm trees and a lot of afternoon naps.
Once we have chosen the perfect destination, it’s time for the big check list. The goal: reducing the big suitcase to a refined style capsule. The means: sticking to the most comfortable day to day items and spicing it up with the right accessories. What you need is:
1. One swimsuit, at least
2. Two caftan dresses – mini for day time and maxi for evening
3. A cotton dress/skirt and tank top
4. A white thin cotton shirt
5. Two or three knit shirts
6. Comfortable shorts
7. Most favorite pair of jeans
8. Light jacket
1. Colorful pareo scarf for relaxing on a beach bed
2. Straw hat
3. Beautiful and updated pair of sunglasses
4. Large straw tote – highly recommended to take it with if you travel by plane in order to reduce room in the suitcase
5. Small evening bag
6. Necklace
7. Two easy lightweight scarves
8. Bracelets
9. Sunscreen
10. Book
1. Beautiful pair of flip-flops for daytime
2. Espadrilles or canvas shoes for the afternoons
3. Nice evening sandals
And remember: Enjoy!